Tuesday, July 10, 2012

From Tabloid Headlines

When Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise, it was a tabloid dream. After all, theirs seemed a fairy tale courtship and wedding. What seamy secrets led to her decision?

Reports indicate it all came down to religion. She was uncomfortable with what he wanted to teach their daughter. Terrified, actually, if the reports of how she left him are true. Those read like a stealth escape from a coolly maniacal villain.

What comes to mind is Paul's admonition to the church at Corinth: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Paul was talking about Christians marrying non-Christians. But regardless of the religion, there is tension in a household with divergent beliefs. One gets upset the other goes to church every Sunday. One gets frustrated the other must meditate for an hour a day. And so on. It's hard to be unified when two are standing on separate foundations.

Maybe Katie thought Tom would become less fervent. Perhaps Tom thought Katie would become more active. It appears each underestimated the magnitude of the other's beliefs.

It appears

they were unequally yoked.

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