Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Ideal to Strive For

I recently saw the movie Friends with Benefits, starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake. It's a rom-com, with emotions as the stumbling block. (I know. What's a rom-com without emotions as the stumbling block?)

The two characters start out becoming friends. One night they decide to add "benefits". After a while, the (obvious from the get go) emotions bubble just below the surface. They fight. They make up. They become a couple for reals.

(Woody Harrelson is fun in his role, by the way.)

When they decide to add benefits, they are more open and honest with each other than they might be if they were in a relationship. Because it's allegedly a purely physical thing, they're not worried about body image. They tell each other their likes and dislikes. They correct technique. There is little embarrassment in suddenly having to go to the bathroom.

A sexual relationship with no anxiety. With comfort and – dare I say? – trust.

Wow, Hollywood. You inadvertently showed us an ideal worth reaching for.

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