Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Good News about Roe v Wade

Consider this:

A young woman gets pregnant. Embarrassed, her family has cuts her out of their lives. She is left to raise her child without support. Both she and the child are castigated by those she loves.

I understand it was common for a child born out of wedlock to be considered less valuable. It is an attitude that does not reflect the heart of Christ.

Since Roe v Wade*, children born out of wedlock are more accepted. They are not shunned or treated as less than. For many such children, the Church** is doing its duty as a father to the fatherless. This is good news.

I don't know that limiting abortion access will push us back to a place where one's value is based on the circumstances of one's conception. But if you feel is it morally responsible to limit abortion, make sure you are also supporting the children who are born. Through Christ, we have life more abundantly; as Christians, we share our abundance with others. Watching children starve in the cold is not Pro-Life.

*A 1973 Supreme Court ruling that made abortion legal in all US states.

**That is, all who believe Jesus the Christ, is the Son of God who was crucified and has risen from the dead, regardless of denomination

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