Wednesday, January 18, 2017

About Some of Those Responses to Congressman Lewis

On Twitter,

Rob Schneider,
an actor who (according to IMDB) was roughly five years old at the time of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death,

Told Congressman John Lewis,
who marched with Rev. Dr. King, and likely knew him personally,

That Rev. Dr. King didn't give in to his anger or hurt, which was how he achieved his accomplishments.


I think
A man who knew Rev. Dr. King personally (Lewis),
likely has a better grasp of Rev. Dr. King's motivations,
than a man who probably didn't spend time with him (Schneider).


Is it not possible – nay, probable –
That a little bit of anger and hurt might've been stirred into that motivation pot?

Rev. Dr. King was human, after all.


In a radio interview (or was it an address? I'm not really clear on that point), The Governor of Maine said Congressman Lewis should thank the GOP for ending slavery. Specifically,

It was Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. It was Rutherford B. Hayes and Ulysses S. Grant that fought against Jim Crow. A simple thank you would suffice.


The GOP's abandonment of Reconstruction after little more than a decade,
Resulted in the proliferation Jim Crow laws, and consequently,
The need for the Civil Rights movement.

So shouldn't it be
Thank you, GOP, for being less than half-assed about black equality in the first place?

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