Friday, February 15, 2013

Tartin' it Up

I like M.A.C. I like how they don't use the word "nude" to describe a color. I like that their sales people are helpful to cosmetics illiterates like me. Their ad campaigns can be stunning in their artistry.

Or they can be tarted up versions of American iconography.

This image bothers me. Why does Veronica look like a vampire about to strike? And the cherry in Archie's mouth? It's the opposite of sexy. M.A.C. was likely going for edgy, but the result feels like an affront to the images on the products being sold.

Alright. So you're selling the sex appeal of a product based on the wholesome image of characters from Archie's comics.

What if the ladies wear styles that play off each other? Veronica could wear a (too low cut for me) red V-neck top; Betty could wear its white crew neck equivalent. Or Betty could wear a white one shoulder something to Veronica's strapless something else. They're different sides of the same coin, right? Both sexy, both appealing, both fawning over Archie.

Meanwhile, Archie could sport a red and white bow tie, the combination of the ladies' signature colors. And instead of a cherry, a Don Juan smile. Because smiles are sexy.

I know. Not edgy enough. Even if Veronica and Betty wore S&M vinyl bustiers. But at least when you walk through the mall, you wouldn't have to explain to the children that Veronica is not trying to bite Archie.

I hope.

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