Friday, February 8, 2013

Insuring The Pill

Should religious institutions (including schools, hospitals, and food pantries run by religious institutions) include The Pill in their health insurance coverage for employees? Should private enterprises owned by religious individuals do the same? Should religious-minded pharmacists fill prescriptions for The Pill?


Because The Pill is not prescribed solely for birth control.

There are women who have such severe menstrual cramps they can barely get out of bed.

For such women, The Pill may be prescribed to ease symptoms. Nor is severe cramping the only non-birth control reason for a prescription. Endometriosis, where uterine cells grow outside of the uterine wall, comes to mind.

Why should a woman be denied coverage for a medical treatment that will enable her to be more productive?

Would you really stand by while your daughter or sister or wife lay curled in a ball, tears streaming, in too much pain to whimper? Would you really make it more difficult for her to get relief?

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