Monday, March 6, 2017

Heroes and Villains

The article was about the memorial service for an officer who was killed in the line of duty. Popped from the page, an inset, if that's the proper term, was this quote:

I recoiled in horror and rage.
When you come against law enforcement, you come against God? No no no no no.

Because this is the type of attitude that allows bad cops – the drug stealing, child prostitute engaging, compliant suspect killing bad cops – to thrive and survive in police departments.

This was this attitude that gave law enforcement permission to turn the other way when Emmett Till was murdered.

This was this attitude that gave law enforcement the confidence to lie about the circumstances of Sam Dubose's death.

This was this attitude that allowed law enforcement to shoot a man who was lying on the ground, hands in the air, compliant.

Do not mis-take me – the majority of law enforcement officers are heroes,
Committed to serving their communities, willing to help anyone who is in need.

But like any other group of people, law enforcement is not a monolith. There are those who terrorize the communities they have sworn to serve, sullying the badge with their antics.

There is absolutely no way that coming against them1
Is equivalent to going against God.

1. Lest anyone attempt to mis-take me further, I am not advocating violence against law enforcement. If you are in the midst of committing a crime and you shoot at an officer, you should expect to get shot at. What I do advocate is speaking against those who are doing wrong. Small is the peace and miniscule are the freedoms when the menace to society is bound in the authority and power of law enforcement.

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