Sunday, June 23, 2013

On Paula Deen

This is based on the first article I read about Paula Deen (I've since read two others). I haven't seen any of the YouTube videos. Mine is arguably a rather uninformed perspective.

Paula. Honey. You do you realize some of your fans are/were Black? Others may have not been fans, but they respected you. There were those who were inspired by you. You, as a single mom, did all of that? Well, then, maybe so could I. Nobody talks when eating my cooking.

Did you really want black employees to dress as slaves when catering a wedding? Was it an antebellum theme? Gone with the Wind and you needed Mammy, Prissy, Pork, and Big Sam? Mistake indeed.

Now. Those comments were made as part of an explanation of the present work environment at one of your restaurants. The concern, of course, is whether those distant past comments reflect a current state of heart.

Please don't go on Oprah to prove you're not a closet racist.

The way you address the situation at the restaurant is the proof most people are looking for.

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