Monday, September 24, 2012

Acknowledging the Foundation

Like many churches, my congregation does work in the community. As we started a new sermon series, the pastor acknowledged the past work done by churches who existed before ours. 'We build on their foundation', he said.

Not all churches understand this concept. I have been in places where, when a community venture was announced, it was as if we would be the first and last game in town. I once asked why we didn't partner with an existing organization, so as not to re-create the wheel. The man looked at me like I was crazy.

Church Leader, if you'd rather re-create the wheel so you can say "This is Our Such & Such", I question your commitment to the community.

Why are you so concerned with having your church's name on it? Why do you rejoice in the inefficient use of resources?

Your prize should be the people getting help, not adulation for the appearance of being helpful. Any fool can take a photo op.

Church Leader, if you are really committed to the community, look at who's already working there. Perhaps God is calling you to add to an existing foundation.

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