Wednesday, August 16, 2017

But the Antifa!

At this point is history,
American conservatism is perceived as being closely aligned with American white supremacy.

American Conservative,

Before you start complaining about the violence of the extreme left,

Renounce the ideologies of white supremacy and white nationalism.

Renounce the violence rendered by those who claim such ideologies:
Kansas City

Explain how the ideologies of white supremacy are antithetical to current American conservatism.


If in response to violence from the extreme right,

You immediately start complaining about the violence of the extreme left,

You are providing evidence that at this point is history,

American white supremacy is closely aligned with American conservatism.

A Question Answered

Long ago, I asked a question about the Confederate flag – if it's not racist, why is it used at neo-Nazi rallies?

Ryan Booth, as relayed by Rod Dreher, eloquently answered my question. He said, in part,

If there are so many of who are not racist who honestly honor Southern culture and heritage so much, why wasn’t there a giant protest group in Charlottesville, pushing away the Nazis while chanting “heritage, not hate”? Why did you leave the opposition to the Left?

I’ll tell you why. It’s the same reason that the Confederate flag became associated with racism in the first place. It’s because a great many of you, all protestations to the contrary, secretly support the racists. I know too many who say “heritage, not hate” and belong to the League of the South, or who subscribe to American Renaissance, including people in my own family.

Most of you who support Southern heritage are just a little bit less racist than the Nazis in Charlottesville. You would probably say that you aren’t racist, yet you probably would prefer that a black family not live next door to you. You would be less likely to hire a black person for a job, and you definitely wouldn’t want your child to marry a black person, but you don’t think of yourself as racist.

And that’s why the Confederate flag has become verboten by our culture, and why the monuments are coming down. Because of you and people like you.

Thank you, Mr. Booth, for speaking. For doing a Hard Work.