Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Re: All Lives Matter

I posted a little something on Facebook at roughly 5 am, with the thought, Right. I'll fix it in Post. And so, after more than 12 hours of percolation, I present a less rough cut of the idea that Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter are not mutually exclusive sentiments. Please enjoy.

In a Facebook post about the recent murders of law enforcement officers, Frank Somerville, a Bay Area news anchor, noted

Not all police are bad.
And not all young black men a criminals.
And I think we all need to realize that.

I would modify his statement to say not all black people are criminals, but in essence, his point is what I've tried to make in previous blog posts.

See, if you post an item to social media with language like but cops shoot black criminals and people are up in arms,

I get the impression you don't understand the second line of Mr. Somerville's statement. It would seem you believe that when law enforcement chooses to interact with a black person, that black person is automatically, and perhaps inherently, a criminal.

That belief is a lie.

Some of the negative assumptions about who black people are (and what black people deserve) are at the root of the incidents which spurred the term Black Lives Matter. To refute with All Lives Matter ignores both our history AND our present. All Lives is something to aspire to, not something that is.

Because if all lives truly mattered, we wouldn't tolerate the racism, sexism and classism which exist in our society. If we truly believed all lives mattered, we would act accordingly. To insist All Lives Matter is the current state of affairs is an exercise in delusion.


If by stating All Lives Matter you are expressing a desire or determination to turn a dream into reality, you are echoing the sentiment of Black Lives Matter. For in a small way, that is what the movement seeks to do.

One more thing.

It's easy to fall into the mutual exclusivity trap. It may seem the friend who posts tons of pro-Black Lives Matter stuff doesn't care about Blue Lives,
and the friend who posts tons of pro-Blue Lives Matter stuff doesn't care about Black Lives.

But unless they've told you as much – either directly or via the comments they've posted  you have no basis for such an assumption. The two sentiments are not mutually exclusive.

Instead, consider such friends as being on one of the many fronts of a battle to protect innocent lives.